Since its founding in 2005, Karwan-e-Rafeequl Harmain (PVT) LTD has achieved many great successes in its goals to provide the best available services to the Guests of Allah in minimum price. These successes were made possible through the support of our valuable clients, the pilgrims. Without any advertisement, our Hajj Group is increasing in size over the years. All these Hajjis would bear witness to the fact that we did our utmost to make their Hajj as smooth and comfortable as possible.
To provide the highedt level of standards in hospitality to the pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land with courtesy. dedication and professional expertise and continuously strive for improvements by streamlinings, harmonizing and educating the staff for the benefit of the pilgrims, organization and the employees.
To be the leading Hajj & Umrah services provider in the world by evolving our existing method of services into an environment that:
Promotes and nurtures services excellence.
Builds and maintains a customer-oriented culture.
Understands that people and systems in the organization must be constantly turned to customer needs and to management's evolving concept of services excellence.